Thursday, December 29, 2011

It was a blue sky with whispers of pink that I awoke to,
how magnificient
So moved was I by this painting above that I stepped outside to stand under it
to look up and get lost in thought about its beauty
and then my neighbor dragged out his garbage cans
disturbing my joy
he waved
I pointed to the sky
he looked up and smiled,certain he had not seen what I was pointing to
It is a cultivated thing
this wu wei way of living
going with the flow of things,unpurposefully
Soon the pink gave way to gold rays
and I heard a school bus' squealing breaks just beyond my vision
and the moment was gone

Yesterday I spent the day putting away the christmas things
intent on focusing on the new year ahead
I used to belong to a group of women that I met with at this time of year
we would get together to talk about the year past
its regrets,its mistakes,its sadness
its failures....we would write them all on paper
then we would light a fire and toss them in
watch them vanish....begin a new year ...wiped clean
That is what I am going to do today....write these things down and in the evening
I will toss them in into the fire... and begin again
there is no other way
but this....begin again


  1. A perfect introduction to, reminder of, and affirmation of your life and the beauty of it that you share with us! This story put a smile on my curmudgeon face. Have a lovely day, Suz!

  2. We do this at my church every New Year's Eve and I will attend again this Saturday night, writing down all that I want to give up and get rid of and then, return again inside, wash my hands clean, and begin anew with a clean piece of paper, writing down everything I want to receive in the new year. Then, we fit it inside of a self-addressed envelope and it gets mailed back to us around Thanksgiving. It is always interesting to see what came to fruition. This year when I received my letter of intentions, there was a request to sell my old house, buy a new one and I even wrote on the envelope: please forward. Guess what? I moved the end of April to our new home. This stuff works. Maybe not always in "my" time frame, but it works, if it is meant to be and divinely appointed. I'm glad you were captivated by the pinks in the sky. Glad you were able to see the wonder of life all around you. Glad you were able to take that moment to just "be"gin again. Love to you this day, Suz!

  3. Ah! Hence the title.
    It is an acquired thing, isn't it?

  4. Not everybody has eyes to see and a soul to absorb the wonders of the world.

    If you chuck past mistakes, regrets and unhappinesses into the fire, are you doomed to repeat them?
    I am all for starting anew, but I keep some of the past firmly tucked into my (mental) pocket.

    Happy New Year, Suz.

  5. going to be putting away christmas things today so i feel for you, time to turn the the textures in that sky...

  6. perfect.
    and I have a fire burning out back
    right now!
    Yes, that is where I'm headed:)

  7. Well, you have given me inspiration again, and so soon after I found your blog! I am going to do this, really truly, it is going to be my new New Year's tradition. I am going to set the regrets and fears of the previous year free... I will light them and let them go! Thanks for the idea.

    Thanks also so much for stopping by my blog, and actually reading my often long-winded posts. It is in its infancy and I have so much to learn, but it is all so much fun. The most fun, treasure hunting through other blogs and finding the quality and generosity that you offer in yours.

  8. oh suz, you have such stuff to burn this year, eh? sending you very best wishes and love as you begin again. so, so glad we are blogging inspire and affirm!


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