Monday, November 17, 2014

It's going to be 1 degree wind chill tonight
11 degrees actual temp
and I have 5 little fur balls under my deck
who the mom keeps moving back and forth between my deck and my neighbor's
Finally she brought them to eat....showed them the food bowl
and they haven't stopped eating
they love the warm chicken I provide
I went to the feral cat class to learn how to trap them
....these women have been in the biz a long time
they talk about the cats like they are nothing me ...I have an emotional investment in their wellbeing right now
...yesterday the mom cat was on to me and hid the kittens
....and then both my daughters showed up with kids
and there went that...
I missed this morning's spay appointment
try again Tuesday the woman at the clinic said
what if I get a kitten first....which I would bring inside and try to get it used to people
so it can have a chance at getting a home with a family
not to live its life outside as a feral
I am certain the mom will hide them from me or disappear
only.....I have the warm chicken
Oh I have a stomach ache thinking about all this responsibility
and to make things worse....what do I do with mom after I take her in
with entire belly this cold...oh dear...
and My family is coming in from California for Thanksgiving and we are going to galena
what will I do with a cat or kitten if I catch it?
I know you can't help me....but I just have to get it out
oh dear...would you believe I just looked out my patio door and there is another
cat looking in?


  1. Oh my you do have a dilemma there. Hope it all works out.

  2. Suz what would happen if you were not there, they are natural survivors. You can only do what you can WHICH you do! Love the painting.

  3. You are a cat magnet and a cat whisperer too, I think, Suz, which may be a blessing and a curse at the very same time. I am sending you best wishes that all will turn out right. xo

  4. oh dear.....I know you will do what you can, and then think of what John says here.


If you have landed in my tree..give me a chirp,fluff your feathers...drop... me a comment

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