Sunday, December 29, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Today it begins
The Christmas whirlwind
2 weeks of family
all gathered together
and my daughter is due anytime now
to give birth to little Tuula
plans...?....who can make plans
with all this going on
that is what is going on here
pure joy
Oh Lord

Decorating and preparing
takes on a different flavor
when there are children involved
So I have my favorite Christmas hymns and carols
blasting away as I prepare the way
The Christmas whirlwind
2 weeks of family
all gathered together
and my daughter is due anytime now
to give birth to little Tuula
plans...?....who can make plans
with all this going on
that is what is going on here
pure joy
Oh Lord
Decorating and preparing
takes on a different flavor
when there are children involved
So I have my favorite Christmas hymns and carols
blasting away as I prepare the way
I'm actually loving all this chaos
I am listening to Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel
and my heart is just about bursting
from nostalgia and love
nostalgia for the family that is no longer here
and love
for God with Us
Now to bake cookies
I am listening to Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel
and my heart is just about bursting
from nostalgia and love
nostalgia for the family that is no longer here
and love
for God with Us
Now to bake cookies
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

My goodness, my first grandchild is 7 today
and so far away in california
I called her early this morning to wish her Happy Birthday
and the first thing she said was
Happy birthday tomorrow Grandma!
A good heart
What more could a grandma ask for.....
a beautiful child with a loving
good heart
......two other beautiful grandchildren
and two more on the way!! that's what
Little Tuula is due on Christmas
yes, you read that right....Tuula
My children could take the prize in unusual names!
I wanted to be a grandma so badly
put it on my 25 list of things I desired...
boy oh boy....I was heard
By March...we will have 5
Little Walter is due March 1st
The wheel of life is turning
dizzying at times
..oh that could be my new blood pressure meds too!
Life is good
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I have a date with my mom today
....she's invited me to her senior group's luncheon
turkey and all the trimmings

and it will be great
She has reminded me that soon I will be 63
.....and that definitely qualifies me for the luncheon
with friends like her.....
Though I remember back to my younger days
when I was the youngest woman at our church's women's group
I was 26 and the others were into their 70's,80's and beyond
and they used to share stories about how when a new women would arrive
at their senior groups......the enemy
Most would grab hold of their husbands
and when a new man would join the group
the single ones would make fools out of themselves
over a new man
and the senior women would dedicate their lives to
squashing the competition of a new....
especially an attractive... younger new woman
I think I will be the youngest one today
and I'm not decrepit looking
This should be an interesting time to test the stories of those long- gone church senior women
Maybe I'll skip the red lipstick
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Oh give thanks unto the Lord
for He is good
and His mercy endureth forever
A childhood prayer
that comforts
I hope soon to be back blogging
..but have enjoyed reading the posts of all my friends
I am thankful for all of you
especially those who love and care for animals
those gifts from God
...bless those who care for the sheep...especially orphaned lambs
the dogs..especially the hurt the neglected the abused
and for those who have taught me to love the goats
and those who have shared the antics of their adorable kittens
....your kindness toward them warms the earth
and my heart
and Brian thanks for having such a big heart for the kids
that struggle through life
you are a beacon in darkness
thank you for this
Happy Thanksgiving to all
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013
It is time
sweet kitty
Honeybun....she named you
....what her father used to call her
So deep is my sadness short a life short a time for you knowing my mother's love and need of you
This loss ....
dipping into her bank account of loss
for you
and suffering them all
all over again
Just a kitty
but oh so much more
We will be with you until the end
you are loved and cherished
Know that soft, furry one
Friday, August 16, 2013
My two old ladies
They tolerate each other
they are united in hating Boo
He's too fast and too playful for them
Ms. Kitty' O'Shea has a bit of arthritis
and Ms. Abigail is a recovering feral
she gets spooked by everything
So today seeing them together on the stairs
was a smile moment
How did Ms. Kitty ever get up those stairs
I saw her staring up the stairs this morning
dreaming of the times when she was queen of the night
sneaking up on the bed and snuggling in for the night
but those days are long gone and Abigail has taken her place
even bringing us toys to wake up to
I have been away in Galena since Monday
and I think the old gal has actually missed me
I'll bet she heard me tell my mother that there are days
I say to myself.....
just do it....and I do
no matter what
but I can't sustain it long
Ms. Kitty O' Shea
can't either
she's back under the dining room table
I can sympathize
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Guess who's flying in today for a visit?
good thing they missed this storm last night
A robin has built her nest at the end of a branch
that leans over the driveway
I watched her branch bounce and weave in the wind
and the rain pounding over her
Oh I was so worried
My husband thinks I worry over goofy things
she's a robin...she's been through this before
I am happy to say that mom and eggs
are doing fine this morning to go shopping
Friday, June 7, 2013
I was alone at the counsel ring
the quilters...well they never leave their fabrics
and the other students
the glass , wood and paper cutters
man, they are as intense at the writers
But I was not feeling it this time at workshop
I needed some nature
some sunset
some alone time
So I went to cliff and sat
and watched
It was wonderful
I was about 30 feet above the lake
and all I heard were the loons
and the quiet motor of a fishing boat
it was so peaceful
Our group was small...nine of us
and only one new one was a nice class
...not much writing came out of it
but some new insights arose from writing about personal stuff
they always make you dig there those instructors....
I wrote about my Mexican grandfather
.....and my old neighbor Phyllis
I also managed to birth two pretty good haiku
..all in all a nice week
But the heck of thing happened
A woman tripped on the path, on the ascarpment
and went flying head first over the cliff
and fell 30 feet, hitting the side of the cliff half way down
She had been walking with her husband
I am ashamed to say..that is when my writer's brain went into overdrive
...but I won't speak of that..let's just say that I watch too much TV
concerning crime...
She was stabalized and helicoptered to was surreal watching the rescue
as it got darker and darker
...They told us she had a broken neck,back,leg and ankle
and 80% brusing of her body...the 15ft break in her fall saved her life
or she would have hit pure limestone
....Needless to say it put a cloud over the rest of the week
At our last night, when we all do a show and tell of sorts
I read a funny story..the one about Phyllis
not the grandfather one
that one gets put in a drawer for my kids to find when I'm gone
....and they can't ask questions
know what I mean?
and all I heard were the loons
and the quiet motor of a fishing boat
it was so peaceful
Our group was small...nine of us
and only one new one was a nice class
...not much writing came out of it
but some new insights arose from writing about personal stuff
they always make you dig there those instructors....
I wrote about my Mexican grandfather
.....and my old neighbor Phyllis
I also managed to birth two pretty good haiku
..all in all a nice week
But the heck of thing happened
A woman tripped on the path, on the ascarpment
and went flying head first over the cliff
and fell 30 feet, hitting the side of the cliff half way down
She had been walking with her husband
I am ashamed to say..that is when my writer's brain went into overdrive
...but I won't speak of that..let's just say that I watch too much TV
concerning crime...
She was stabalized and helicoptered to was surreal watching the rescue
as it got darker and darker
...They told us she had a broken neck,back,leg and ankle
and 80% brusing of her body...the 15ft break in her fall saved her life
or she would have hit pure limestone
....Needless to say it put a cloud over the rest of the week
At our last night, when we all do a show and tell of sorts
I read a funny story..the one about Phyllis
not the grandfather one
that one gets put in a drawer for my kids to find when I'm gone
....and they can't ask questions
know what I mean?
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Little Isla didn't make it into this world
but one year later we remember her
remember the struggle
the pain
the heartache
the letting go
the love
if only every child was as wanted
It is raining today
yes it is raining today
and I remember your little fingers and toes
remember holding you
and whispering
to you
that I loved you
and would see you again
thats what faith does
it comforts
but one year later we remember her
remember the struggle
the pain
the heartache
the letting go
the love
if only every child was as wanted
It is raining today
yes it is raining today
and I remember your little fingers and toes
remember holding you
and whispering
to you
that I loved you
and would see you again
thats what faith does
it comforts
Friday, May 3, 2013
It's that time again
...a runaway
...a seeking sanctuary getaway
...a retreat
to The Clearing
in Ellison Bay, Wisc
We'll be looking at
....last time it was Fitzgerald in this class
..Can't wait to see Decaprio as the Gatsby
....Can't wait to see if I have any writing in me
....haven't written since Isla Maeve
left us
....death is a nasty visitor sometimes
and sometimes a welcome guest
either way
death is always noticed
...and I have tried hard this year
to ignore it
afraid the darkness I felt inside this effected all of the family
would spill out and I would ...
well, I can't tell you what I would write
but it wouldn't be interesting to anyone
..just cathartic
...and that isn't storytelling
So ..we'll see..
The teacher is a wonderful Buddhist
God sends you what you need, I think
...this should be a make or break it week
...but it will be fun
Lake Michigan sunsets
..always cheer my being
bye for now
...and just to let you know
....the news I have been praying for
has come we'll just have to wait
9 months
Sunday, April 14, 2013

yep, I might just have to go there
...just look at that girl pose...
she's a natural
and her brother...a goofiss
The blondie is a friend visiting from Chicago

Laguna beach and a bathing suit
oh heavens
I haven't worn a bathing suit in 5 years
..but that's the great thing about grandkids
they expect you to look old
...they love you
the way you are
bless them
I love to count my blessings
not look at what I don't have
..makes life a joy
and I love joy
yes, I need to go to the warm climate of California
...sooner than later
I need some little arms welcoming me
and telling me all about what is going on in their lives
Friday, April 12, 2013
I was needed at my daughter's
opportunity for some Finn and grandma time
Most of the time it rained and was chilly
...opportunity for rainboots and an umbrella
This is the sweetest boy on earth
and he makes his Grandma
as he looks out the window
at his tree....Mr.Ebbersberger's a long story...but that is the tree's name
and we hug it everytime we are together
...seems his parents aren't into the spirit of this relationship
After a long day at preschool, lunch and a little playing
he crashes....
and I just watch him
a miracle
as all children are
He took a bath too this afternoon
used his papa's sage and sandlewood soap
so he can smell like his Papa
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