Wednesday, July 13, 2011

bouncing through a valley
of gone

message left by my computer

beloved tea set

beloved children's silverware

grandma's old theirs

little miss's decorating

garden bugs loved

All this
to let go of again

Different parts of me
opened this month
beloved that make me.
Heart parts...creative, loving, nurturing parts
needed parts...wanted parts....amazing parts

Little Miss clung to me
crying that she didn't want to go home
She wanted ...grandma
A stunning heart experience
..that's how I felt about leaving my grandpa 
and grandma
I wanted to send off her tea set with her..
but resisted the impulse...let it be a touchstone
let it be a sweet memory...a dear childhood friend
to return to
forever....always a visit with grandma and mint tea


  1. Suz, I know how hard it is when they leave .... but they'll be back.

  2. awww...sorry if the house feels emoty now...

  3. "...let it be a touchstone..."

    Gee, Suz, you're on a roll this morning! this one has brought a tear to my eye. That last part about touchstones to bring us back... Well, that's how I am with some of my old "stuff" from my childhood, and youth. Stuff at my parents' house that I think "I should take that home with me!"

    But that stuff IS home, and gives me a sense of roots. It is fun, even at my age, to root through the closets and drawers, to see and feel and touch my/our past.

    And to remember....


  4. you know Rick...I knew you would get the touchstone thing...makes us writer's and poets I think
    and oh that thing called longing

  5. You must be the best grandmother in the world! Oh lucky little ones! I will never forget moments with my grandmother, she was also one of the best in the world!

  6. Memories that will linger on and become the stuff of her life.

  7. Grandkids are absolutely the best of the best!
    I love seeing the photo.
    So precious.
    I can tell you had a wonderful time together.
    It is always so so hard to say good-bye. I rarely do it without those tears of love.
    Hugs, Cory

  8. oh Rosaria now you got me blubbering

  9. Oh when my beloved California Granny would leave I would be unconsolible for days, I loved her so!
    You made the right choice with the tea set, it will remain special :)

  10. thanks Red...coming from you...special

  11. Special times in life, wonderful, memories which last forever.

  12. OMG, I am reading this as I listen to the sound of my 9 year old grandson fast asleep...not looking forward to July 29th when he flies back home...


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