Thursday, December 23, 2010


I remember so well rushing outside to make a snowman
grabbing mittens and a warm coat and boots
finding..pieces of charcoal from the garage
..stealing a carrot from the icebox (remember when it was called that?)
this..was frowned upon by my frugal mother..but we did it anyway
Finding sticks to make his arms was difficult..not too many trees around and the ones
that were around were trimmed up quite high..but somehow we found arms
and the hat. Hmmm? had to have a hat...usually we had to settle for a homemade knit hat
that we found in the back of the closet...
and the scarf...usually my brother would take mine....sacrifice he called it..for the common good
Boy, he was a bossy one
I remember having so much fun rolling snowballs until they formed the perfect parts of the man
Yes it was a sought after activity.....but when was the last time I made one.....'85-86?
Ah, the art of making snowmen...I think it is a dying art......:(
But I grew up with Frosty the Snowman..and he will forever live in my heart...
and I think if it snows the good packing kind of snow for Christmas..I shall make a snowman
and use my husband's cashmere scarf
what fun it will be!


  1. Such a sweet memory! I got to build a snowman, as I grew up in Texas, and as children, we dreamed of snow, but I only remember it snowing once, just a few flakes, not enough for a snowman. But Frosty was always in my dreams! Thanks for the memories!

  2. You should come visit Bend .. snowmen everywhere!
    Merry Christmas

  3. Oh snowmen
    you must go and make one soon somewhere and then all in the snow and look up at the stars
    take some pictures for us..plese!

  4. Oh, yes the scarf sacrificed for the common good and fun for all. Brings back memories of cold warmed later with hot cider.

  5. Nice memory! I remember my mother and I making a snowWOMAN on the lawn of the apartment we lived in in Amarillo, Texas. This was in 1958/59 I think. We had lots of fun building her, and my mom, of course, put snow breasts on the snowwoman. Quite risque for the late 50's and in Texas, no less!

    Well, next morning someone had knocked our snow woman down. I wasn't happy and didn't understand what all the fuss was about. But now I can laugh about it.

    And that was before those commercials that touted "You've come a long way, baby!!" LOL!

    Have a Merry Christmas, Suz!

  6. I think it's wonderful that the torch has passed, so-to-speak, and that you have sacrificed your husband's cashmere sweater for the common good. Isn't it funny how time changes some things yet not others. Snowmen...I think that they will always be around. They remind us of our own fragility and how short time really is in the scheme of things.

  7. Every time it snows here snowmen appear every where! I made one last year.
    When I was a kid we loved to make igloo forts out of the piled up shoveled snow from the driveway. Great fun!!

  8. What a nice memory, Suz, sounds like fun making your snowman !
    Merry Christmas to you and your family, have a wonderful time together !

  9. What fun memories! I am sure it was fun growing up where it snows. I did not have that experience growing up in the Bay Area of CA. But, now with Grass Valley and Truckee where my daughter lives, I get to see lots of snow.

    I must admit I have NEVER built a snowman.

  10. Suz,

    I knew Frosty only through the Gene Autry song. One memory from early childhood -- age 3? 4? when my family was still in Chicago -- has me starting one with my dad only to be overwhelmed by apartment kids by the dozen who basically pushed me aside.

    Then, decades of beach-'n'-valley California. No snow alli, seƱora. Solo el sol.

    Driving on ice and snow when it does occur here in metro Seattle is harrowing. People have snowmen, all right, but as I pass their humbly-gloved greetings, I think: I may die within the half-hour, cold and bloody waiting for the 9-1-1.

    Merry Christmas, though!

    Trulyfool, the Snowwimp

  11. Lovely memory ...and yes, please do make a snowman, feel your inner child live, dance with joy.

  12. Trulyfool..I am so sorry that you missed the Chicago winters that were truly yours to be experienced
    Chicago was a great town to grow up wimps here..just crooks of the political persuasion
    My son loves warmth and son..took my grandkids there..stole their winters too in the snow....
    but they have the beach...and they love it....
    sun is over rated
    bleak boring depressing blah winter skies can be delightful
    Now driving in the stuff..that's another story...ick
    and dangerous
    Oh Dogwood...goodie make a snowman
    Sylvia thank you..snowman making is fun
    try it....and a Merry Christmas to you and yours..and the kitties
    Marilyn..if it weren't for my constant search for joy in my days..there would be none...I would miss them ..the tiny ones..that add up to a joyful life..I will make a snowman if it snows the right kind of snow..

  13. I was a senior in high school before I saw snow -- and then it was just some sad remnants. But my boys were able to make snow men and build snow forts -- and I finally got to make snow ice cream!

  14. Vicki..snow ice cream? yum sounds delish!
    Rick...a snow woman..ha ha Now we know where your rebel streak comes from.. :)
    Marilyn... I shall dance with joy..I shall..and laugh when he sees his scarf around frosty's neck..hee hee

  15. What a great idea, you go out there and build a snowman for all of us that have never experienced what it is like. And take some photos, such wonderful memories you have.

  16. go make that snowman...i hope you get your snow...its fun to be a kid again...

  17. I was tempted the other morning to make a snowman as I stood out in my backyard enjoying the quiet snow. I thought of calling the "kids" out to do it, but only my 18 yr. old was home and he wasn't "feeling it". So the snow lays unmolested and no strange, roly-poly, white creature, sucking on a smokeless pipe, stares at us through the window. But who knows what might happen with the next snowfall!

  18. memories

    tis the season

    merry christmas, my friend

    kary and teddy


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