Saturday, October 16, 2010

Boo aka Mr. Darcy and me

Sometimes the day starts out right
with a laugh. Who knew that when this little creature,who is often so naughty, would be the joy that saved me from much sorrow over the losing of my beloved cat, Webster. One does not replace another, but you who have pets know what I mean.
He's full of zest and adventure, everything a must to be touched or tasted,or smelled or eaten. And he is as friendly as a kitty can be toward a human....even delivery men like him..a charmer. At the end of the day....he cuddles near our feet and if you reach down to touch his ears or back...he purrs in gratitude. This cat has life figured out..doesn't he?
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  1. cats are the best. boo is a very handsome specimen!

  2. He has grown into a real handsome boy.
    Even in the photo he looks like he is checking something out.

  3. One door closes and another opens, so true. This cat knows who he is and where he wants to be, they always do.

  4. Boo is just adorable. Cats never fail to amaze me with their ability to live completely in the moment, each one to its fullest for sure.

  5. He really is a gorgeous cat! Beautiful photo.

  6. So nice to see a photo of him looking all grown up! (well not quite, he still has his kittenish looks, but he is bigger.)

    They are adorable creatures and so individual. I'm glad you have him purring at your feet. :-)

  7. Handsome he is, Mr Darcy sounds just about right!

  8. Mr. Boo Darcy has grown in to such a handsome cat! He looks just like my Apollo. How nice that he is friendly and sociable, and a cuddler to boot. It's funny how the perfect pet finds their way in to our lives.


If you have landed in my tree..give me a chirp,fluff your feathers...drop... me a comment

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