Saturday, March 6, 2010

Kreativity Blogger Award

M.Heart of has informed me that I am one of the bloggers she has passed on the Kreativity award to that she enjoys reading. Thank you M.heart for reading my blog. I bless the day I found your blog..a joy to read and see.

Now I have to tell you 7 interesting things about myself. I'm not that interesting,but I gave it a try in the spirit of participation. I also need to pass this noteworthy award on to bloggers I enjoy reading. Now, some bloggers don't want awards..and I would truly want to give you one,but I respect your wishes. And others have already received this award recently. So here are few that I stoke up the computer every morning and check on...see what they're up to or doing.
WORDS   This fellow is a storm chaser with a great passion for photography. He also is a stunning pencil artist.
AND THEN SHE SAID   Remember her name..she will be famous. She is a fantastic artist from Australia who has a love affair with the ordinary.   Elena will lead you on her journey of discovering herself as an artist and woman. Never a dull day.Posted by Picasa  This kindred woman from England is a writer and lover of words. She is a joy to know.

Now, they are asked to pass this on and let us know who they enjoy reading and award them.

SEVEN INTERESTING THINGS ABOUT ME (I probably would never tell you)

 -On a camping trip with my parent in 1958,along the shore of the Fox river,I found an arrowhead.

       -While swimming in lake Michigan at the Indiana Dunes in 1963,I was caught in an undertow and almost drowned.
-I found a headstone buried by the basement stairs of our first house.

-Few believe me to this day, but I saw a UFO in 1962...I'm talking saucer

-I once broke up a fight between 3 teenaged boys in Burger King. That was in my stupid 30's

-After a White Sox game last summer I jumped in and helped my husband break up a real nasty fight between two young men...that was in my stupid  50's

-I can never watch the movie, IN COLD BLOOD, again.

Now aren't you glad you know all that?!?!
Thank you,again M.Heart.


  1. Suz, I think the next time I need to find something I'm going to put you on the case. It seems you have a gift for seeing the subtle! Oh, and if I ever find myself in a brawl...ditto.

  2. Congratulations Suz!! So very nice to be recognized...your writing is wonderful, truly creative, just stay out of fights, brawls and loud exchanges!!

  3. Suz--I have always wanted to see a UFO. Believe, I have stood outside yelling "if you're there, show yourselves". Why don't they hear me? I believe you...I am just jealous!

  4. Congratulations!!! You deserve it!! And I would really like to hear that UFO story!!!

  5. Oh now I'm all emotional again, sniff. Thanks you so much for bestowing this honour on me :).

    I'm gonna be famous, I'm gonna be famous, I'm gonna be famous, Suz says so hehehe.

  6. yes i'm glad.
    and you are a good blogger to do this, unlike me.
    though you pushed me to even THINK about it.
    A UFO! I love "I'm talking saucer"
    Holy moly.
    Wow to the headstone and arrowhead.
    And breaking up fights!
    I know how scary it is to get caught in an undertow. So glad you got out. Are you afraid of the ocean now, I hope not.
    Never watched In Cold Blood and don't think I will now.
    I think you are amazing, dear Suz.


If you have landed in my tree..give me a chirp,fluff your feathers...drop... me a comment

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