The kitties still are coming around twice a day to be fed.
I will do my best to build them a feeding shelter
and a housing shelter
I wonder if they will use it? together?
they won't go near Handsome's shelter
oh well I will do my best.
Thanks to all you dear animal lovers, especially the cat lovers
for all your ideas and sympathy
Yesterday I spent the day with my two daughters and their babies
and of course, Finn
He cheats at chutes and ladders
but he cuddles good, especially if I scratch his back while watching
the Cat in the Hat
I'm back to my writing group
feels good to be doing something creative
My entire spring and summer was occupied with house stuff
finding new places to put things or getting rid of things...installing new floors and painting
I have too much husband is right...darn.
Fall is here and I am glad....went to Galena this past week
...more work there! But boy when I hit that spot in the road where Illinois becomes
valleys and hills and magical blue
I went to meet a guy about a driveway......and a tree guy about planting more trees
maybe a Catalpa and a those
Everything went well except for my cable ,internet, and phone being out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was alone with my thoughts all evening and morning......a dangerous thing I tell you
I ate too much and spent more money in my mind on that old house then my husband could ever bare
but the cable guy came the next day....(.threatening to throw the darn equipment out the window
may have helped)
It was a quick trip to Galena..I had to return home.....meeting the gutter guy back there on Saturday
....and today I finally hung the drapes in the family room....which I would love to replace
but I dare not ....if I want to make it to year 44 of marriage and sorted through books and books and books...and loaded my car up with stuff for I guess I did get something done
Did I ever tell you about the swat team that was in front of my house this year
oh no? I bring this up... it swirling through my mind trying to leap out an idea for the page.....
what with writing group tomorrow..and I don't want to work on anything I already have....but it doesn't work...I guess I'm stuck with the guy whose GPS leads him to dead end cornfield and a crop circle....sigh
And coming home last night from my daughter's
I spotted a squad car in front of me cutting its lights off as it turned left I wanted to follow it....but it was late and I had been driving for an hour already
and the kitties would be waiting morning glories...
so I took a pass
I guess I have rambled on too much...all in an attempt to get my writing juices flowing
but my keyboard is sticking horribly
so I'll just have mercy on you all and say Oh bother and goodnight