Saturday, September 5, 2009

I had to rub essential oils to my muscles last night and this morning. What a good workout I had ysterday.
My husband and I are going to the White Sox game, today, with friends. What can I say? We're fans. I just love going to the "Cell", it's such a nice ballpark. Trouble is the food is pretty tasty there, and I'm following a low carb diet (begin again)...I hope my girlfriend doesn't freak out when I eat two hot dogs, bun...and water. I just have to stick to my goal of taking off the weight I put on this year. I'm not looking so "chicky" lately. Begin again!
I got (I think) one photo took me forever. I'll get the hang of it..then look out..picture central.


  1. Hope you enjoyed your game!

    How were those hotdogs?

    I'll take mine with sauerkraut and mustard!


  2. Naked hotdogs. Hm.....You are a witty writer, which I love. Speaking of love,
    I love the White Sox. They've been on a winning streak lately. Hope you bring them luck. And Handsome, I remember Handsome who scared away the owls, yet who can resist that face. He's got a good place to call home.

  3. Oh,yes,Bev..he was there and he did scare them away to the other tree...making your job harder! Thanks for the laugh.


If you have landed in my tree..give me a chirp,fluff your feathers...drop... me a comment

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