Thursday, February 4, 2010

Prayers today and tomorrow for Bethany who is saying goodbye to her dear dog, Casey, tomorrow.
Most of us know how difficult this is...saying goodbye to one we love...a beloved companion.
I only know Bethany through blogland, but I have found her very endearing, gentle,wise and funny.
Casey must have taught her most of that.

God be with her tomorrow on her long ride
keep her safe
...send a cute angel to ride shotgun all the way back home
and bless her


  1. Oh Suz!
    I wasn't even going to check my google reader today and for some reason just before bed I do and I see my name on your blog. Oh, thank you, thank you. You are so dear. This means so much to me. Your writing is beautiful and your thoughts. I will take them with me.
    Big hugs.

  2. Oh dear. My heart goes out to you Bethany.

  3. Thanks for visiting my site. I enjoyed browsing through your blog. We will certainly keep your friend Bethany in our prayers. We know how hard it is to lose a companion.

  4. Sweet hugs to Bethany and her saddness of saying good-bye to her dog. Keep those precious memories of your doggies close to you heart and visit them often.


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