Sunday, November 8, 2009

So heavenly jewelry

Don't you just love the red arrow? I didn't see it looking out the window of the car trying to take a photo as fast as I could....driver impatient. Isn't it true in life, that which is often not obvious to us holds the power. Whether it is a long held anger,an unforgiven grievance,or a deeply hurting unrequited love. That which is not seen can still be telling us which way to go. So maybe we should enjoy the sunsets of our days but be on the look out for those red arrows that really are the navagators.
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  1. Wow, you've got the photo bug,don't you? I love when I take photos and there is something totally unexpected cropping up in the image! I recall the heart in the leaf photo Elena took, remember? If only others weren't so caught up in the rush of life and could see the beauty of nature! We might have more peaceful co-existence!
    Oh and have you noticed how particularly gorgeous the sunsets are lately? I have been awestruck!

  2. Is this early evening? Reminds me of early morning. I can feel the coolness and hear the quietness.

  3. Great photo. Great sunset. Lovely leafless tree branches. Love it.

    I really try hard not to get impatient at things, places, events and etc that I have not control over. Just go with the flow. Maybe it is an age thing. The older I get the easier I am in situations that used to really irritate me.

    Oh, boy...I sure went on!

    You always get my mind going. Thanks!


If you have landed in my tree..give me a chirp,fluff your feathers...drop... me a comment

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